Newsroom Europe: Three Nations, One Result

The editorial project “Newsroom Europe”, organised by the European Academy Berlin, involves more than twenty young journalists from Germany, Slovenia and Portugal. The aim is to learn about the Trio-Presidency of the EU Council through collaboration and publication. With the project, they also have the opportunity to gain their first experiences writing in journalism.

Journalists from Portugal, Germany and Slovenia participated in Newsroom Europe. I Edited by: Lisa Pausch/Jugendpresse Deutschland

Newsroom Europe began with a very intense, 7-day training week, covering a wide range of topics around transnational reporting and European politics. Together, we spoke with the Ambassadors of Portugal and Slovenia in Berlin, and had interesting, virtual meetings with staff members of several German ministries. The Mobile Media Academy of the German Youth Press was responsible for providing media coverage. Additionally, politikorange accompanied the participants closely, and provided step-by-step support in the writing process.

In the months following, four media days were scheduled to take place, each focused on a topic related to the council presidency. The first of these happened on August 1, and dealt with the impact of COVID-19 on the EU. Participants now have the chance to discuss and write about the topics explored during these media days.

The event is organised with the support of the Press and Information Office of the Federal Government of Germany, as part of the public relations work of the Federal Government, the Federal Foreign Office, and the Federal Agency for Civic Education, bpb.

Additionally supported by project partners the Centro InterculturaCidade in Lisbon (Portugal) and Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela in Novo Mesto (Slovenia), as well as by the Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange, all participants have the opportunity to publish their articles here on They will be published one after another, throughout the coming weeks.

And now, enjoy reading!

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