More than just food

Hungry? If not, have a look at these photos, and you will be: Dennis Beltchikov and Alisa Sonntag walked around Mahane Yehuda Market in Jerusalem and caught some impressions.

Falafel, hummus, baba ganoush – or are you in the mood for some shakshuka? Better order some pita bread first, you can’t go wrong with that.

A trip to the Mahane Yehuda Market is not just worth it for the food. The market is also meeting point for inhabitants of Jerusalem belonging to different cultures and religions. In that sense, it’s the perfect reason for the participants of our project, Researching Identity between Israel, Palestine and Germany, to visit the biggest market of Jerusalem. It can be seen as a culinary reflection of Israeli society, influenced by a wide range of cultures and backgrounds.

Some starters for Israel beginners: „Mallawah with tahini“ and hot sauce, „schug“.
Just choose your meal and enjoy watching it being prepared.





Jerusalem – the place to be for different religions, cultures, and especially: interesting people.
Jerusalem in November: heating is always welcome. We don’t say no.
Even if you’re not hungry, the Mahane Yehuda Market is also visually appealing. Explore street art and graffiti at every turn.
Surprise: German food on the market! At least our crew swerved around it.
An Israeli meal is not complete without a super sweet dessert at the end. What about some fresh baklava?
It’s always tea time in Israel!
Or better heading to an Israeli bar? We are always up for that.


Text: Dennis Beltchikov
Images: Jugendpresse Deutschland/Alisa Sonntag

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