- Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.
Researching Identity in/between Israel, Palestine and Germany 2.0
22. November 2019 | 00:00 - 2. Dezember 2019 | 00:00
When thinking about the Middle East, the Arab-Israeli conflict is first thing that comes to most people’s mind. But what’s behind media echo? How do Israelis and Palestinians live together? What are their opinions, dreams and ambitions? How do their identities and world views influence each other? What’s the relationship between Israel, the Palestinian territories and Germany today?
Within our project “Researching identity in/between Israel, Palestine and Germany” we’re gonna research the topic of „identities“ in Israel, the Palestinian territories, Germany and in between. As a result of that we’ll produce media pieces for the blog of politikorange.de. We’re cooperating with the Jerusalem Press Club and the Palestinian Peace Coalition.
The first part of the whole workshop program is already completed: In November 2018, 15 young media makers from the Palestinian territories, Israel and Germany came together in Berlin for eight days. Now we are facing the second part in Israel and the Palestinian territories. We are meeting with the same participants as in the first part of the seminar to research and work on stories together. However, this is a new call for application for the second part, so that two new editors have the chance to participate in the part in Israel and Palestine.
During the whole workshop process, you will be working in trios with a German, an Israeli and a Palestinian young mediamaker. Your stories will be published on the politikorange blog.
A good command of English is necessary as it will be the working language of the whole project. If you’re at least 18 years old and not older than 27 years old, interested in media and the Middle East, you should sign up until 21st August latest. Travel costs to Berlin (up to Bahn Card 50 price) as well as accommodation and meals will be mostly covered. The overall trip costs around 250 EUR participation fee per person (including flights, accomodation and meals).
We are looking for…
…editors: You already gained some experience in journalism and you would like to improve your skills? You’re interested in Israel and the Palestinian territories as well as international relations? You’re confident in communicating and writing in English? Sign up here until 21st August latest!
Your tasks:
• Preparation for the workshop
• Researching topics together with the other young mediamakers in advance and participating in a Skype call in preparation for the workshop
• Doing Interviews together with the other young mediamakers
• Working together with young mediamakers from Israel, as well as the Palestinian territories
• Producing media pieces for the blog of politikorange
Travel costs (aside from the participation fee of 250€), accommodation and meals will be covered.
Wichtiger Hinweis für die Anmeldung in Ahoi: Die Zahlung muss erst nach Zusage erfolgen.
- Beginn:
- 22. November 2019 | 00:00
- Ende:
- 2. Dezember 2019 | 00:00
- Veranstaltungskategorie:
- Projekte
- Veranstaltung-Tags:
- conflict, identity, International Relations, Israel, Palestine, Peace, Researching
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