Let’s bring the EU into the media

An Article Series about European Reporting Topics concerning the EU are less often covered in national or local media. What can European journalism look like? Politikorange editor Paula Blaschke presents two different concepts. (mehr …)

WANTED: European Solidarity

The EU is playing treasure hunt: The treasure is solidarity among the member states, the cornerstone of the EU. In times of corona this treasure got lost because the players – also known as the EU member states – decided to go into lockdown. politikorange editor Lisa-Marie thinks: That was…

Newsroom Europe: Three Nations, One Result

The editorial project “Newsroom Europe”, organised by the European Academy Berlin, involves more than twenty young journalists from Germany, Slovenia and Portugal. The aim is to learn about the Trio-Presidency of the EU Council through collaboration and publication. With the project, they also have the opportunity to gain their first…