Fruchtfleisch: „Is Religion Part of Your Identity?

Religion plays an important role in the Israeli society. But what does it mean for the daily life of individuals? Mathias Birsens asked an ultra-orthodox woman from Jerusalem and a secular Jew from Tel Aviv if they consider religion to be a part of their identity. (mehr …)

Fruchtfleisch: „Are Barriers Part of Your Identity?“

What does it mean if you are not able to go everywhere you want? Mathias Birsens talked to a Palestinian activist from the „Right to Movement Palestine“ campaign and to a Palestinian journalist about freedom of movement. Are barriers part of Palestinian identity?  (mehr …)

Words Matter

Israeli and Palestinian journalists use different words for the same things – even when they are using the same language. The variable choice of words in middle eastern media outlets is a symptom of both the different narratives used, and of a restricted freedom of press. (mehr …)

Two Worlds Between Two Seas

The second part of the project, Researching identity in/between Israel, Palestine and Germany, took place in Israel and Palestine. We met again with our young journalists from each of the three regions and conducted an intense, 10-day program about history, religion, culture, and war. And we learned what it means…

Trilaterale Identitätssuche in Berlin

Die Berlin-Reise des Fragens, Forschens und Schreibens in der November-Kälte ist vorbei. Was bleibt, sind die Artikel der jungen Journalistinnen und Journalisten aus Israel, Palästina und Deutschland auf unserem Blog. Wie ist es der Gruppe bei der Reise ergangen? (mehr …)

Your country – MY future!

The controversial campaign of the German Federal Ministry of the Interior to finance migrant’s voluntary return to their homeland has sparked resentment. Nour Alabras, who fled from Syria to Germany in 2015, tells Dennis Beltchikov, Suleiman Maswadeh and Miral Nashashibi how she feels when confronted with the offer to go…

Performing identity: A city to lose and find oneself

Poet Mati Shemoelof celebrates Middle-Eastern culture in the heart of Germany, theatre director Sharon Kotkovsky identifies more strongly as an Israeli-Jew since she moved to Germany and film director Jakob M. Erwa explores identity in a city of acceptance. Sami David Rauscher and Noa Amiel Lavie talked to them about their…

Projekt-Finale „Researching Identity“

Acht Tage lang recherchierten und schrieben 21 junge Journalistinnen und Journalisten aus Israel, Palästina und Deutschland unter dem Thema „Researching Identity“ in Berlin. Am 26. November 2018 endet die Reise, die daraus hervorgegangenen Artikel werden demnächst hier zu lesen sein. Eine Fortsetzung des trilateralen Projekts folgt 2019 im Nahen Osten. …